Rediscovering My Roots

Rediscovering My Roots

I was spending a lazy day, and nursing a very sick kitty, and reminiscing of long ago days, before the internet, when books had to be ordered from a physical, walk-in bookstore. The anticipation of the the phone call that it has arrived, the excitement of opening it...

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registered teacher with the michael wilcox school of colour®

I’m proud to be a Registered Teacher with the Michael Wilcox School of Color! There is a rigorous process to becoming a Registered Teacher as opposed to being an Affiliate.

michael wilcox school of colour

Click on the image to be taken to the School of Colour site. Enter code: lc120421h and receive a 5% discount on your entire purchase.

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Online Practical Color Theory and Mixing Course


The ONLY practical color mixing course of its kind on the interwebs

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