An “Alien” Encounter

An “Alien” Encounter

WORKSHOP WEIRDNESS - DAY 1 - MONDAY (Names have been changed to…well…I don’t know…just seemed the thing to do). The workshop started normally with an introduction and a handshake, then orientation and class outline. I always expect to spend a few minutes getting to...

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I’m in the Bomb Book, Now

I’m in the Bomb Book, Now

I flew out of state to put on a workshop. All of my paints, my airbrush, carving tools. etc. were in my checked luggage. It set off the bomb alarm in my airport. So, now I'm standing there with my teeth in my face...and in the "special" line now (which really isn't a...

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Something told me I shouldn't go running that day - quad-pull notwithstanding (that's another story in itself). I figured 5 weeks was enough time to heal. It's a 3 mile route that takes me alongside the banks of the Snake River...beautiful. There is always something...

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Wasp Versus Golf Club

Wasp Versus Golf Club

I was mowing the lawn one fine autumn day when I was nailed by a wasp – near my jugular, not once - it went all jackhammer-ass on me. Having exhausted every English combination of the f-bomb I could muster, I used the few REALLY naughty Norwegian f-bomb combinations I...

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registered teacher with the michael wilcox school of colour®

I’m proud to be a Registered Teacher with the Michael Wilcox School of Color! There is a rigorous process to becoming a Registered Teacher as opposed to being an Affiliate.

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Click on the image to be taken to the School of Colour site. Enter code: lc120421h and receive a 5% discount on your entire purchase.

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Online Practical Color Theory and Mixing Course


The ONLY practical color mixing course of its kind on the interwebs

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