After a rather long, HOT and dry summer, things finally started cooling down around here. The morning this happened on was nice and cool – around 40 degrees F.
I throw on my very loose fitting sweat pants and a T-shirt and head out to the studio, prop the door open (I love fresh, cool air), and start my carving day. Later in the morning, I’m setting my camera up for some shots of my work, when I feel something fly up my tee. It’s kind of buzzing around my waist, which caused the “Logic” brain to switch off and the “Panic” brain switch on. I started doing the “Pee-pee Dance” (hopping up and down, from one foot to the other), and grab a handful of tee to shake it out. This might have been a successful maneuver had I NOT grabbed my sweats, too.

mad hornet

Sneaky little bastard

The beastie took the opportunity to fly down my sweats, and promptly made me aware of what I was dealing with…it started stinging. So NOW I’m jumping around trying the shake the thing out of my sweats, to no avail…and the little bugger stings me again. Well, desperate situations call for desperate measures…
I peel those babies right off… Stark naked from the waist down, stomping the CRAP outta my sweats…yelling “Die, you little…OWWWWW!…DIE!!!”… door still wide open…

I made a crouching run to the house cuz I wasn’t about to put those sweats back on, just in case.

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