We have an event every year in our town put on by our local Search & Rescue group. It’s called a Turkey Shoot and for $3.00 you get two shots to try to get a bulls-eye from twenty feet away using a .22 calibre rifle. You hit the bull-eye, you get a turkey. This is set up inside our City Hall building, upstairs in the basketball court.

I want a turkey…so my hubby ponies up the $3.00 hands me the rifle and steps back with a self-satisfied smirk, ’cause he KNOWS we’re gettin’ a TURKEY. I take aim, slow my breath, then slowly squeeze the trigger. It gets dead quiet in that room…I’m standing there trying to figure out why there wasn’t a bullet hole in the target, and who was such a CRAPPY shot that they put out a window.



The realization who the crappy shot was when my husband says, “Step away from the rifle and come along now, Babe”.

Guess that means I don’t get my second shot.

The mortified look on his face really made it all worthwhile…to me, anyway. I think next time I’ll use a bit of blackmail…if they don’t give me a turkey…I’ll come shoot for one.

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