black scorpion

Like this. Except Bigger. And not real.

The few hours I had left on the piece turned into another all night session. All because my demon raised her ugly head again and convinced me I needed to “fix” some stuff. I actually lost track of what day it was. What follows made me quit for a while and force myself to lie down even though I honestly wasn’t tired. I was really pumped and had energy, but apparently it was physical energy, not mental…listen to this:

I’m really taking a risk that you’ll all be thinking I finally cracked my nut, but this is just too freaky not to share…
In my defense, up till this point I only had about 3 hours of sleep total in 3 1/2 days.

I’m working at my easel and I catch something out of the corner of my eye and also HEAR something skittering across my paint palette…a big ol’ black scorpion. Now, unless big ol’ black scorpions have moved from wherever big ol’ black scorpions live to take up residence in my studio here in Idaho – in the winter – I think I had a hallucination. Now it gets weird (OK, weirdER)…

What happens next all took place between catching the first glimpse and turning my head to make sure I saw what I thought I saw, but it was all still separate and distinct…make sense? (Dumb question…it’s a freakin’ hallucination for crying out loud).

As the thing skittered through my paint, each COLOR emitted a SMELL…like the yellow smelling like peppermint…the brown smelling like oranges.

When I looked at my palette there was nothing there…no big ol’ black scorpion, no footprints, just paint. I just had myself a full-blown visual, auditory and now olfactory hallucination.

I remember reading about sleep deprivation and getting to the part about hallucinations and thinking, “COOL!!”

…It ain’t…

OK, I gotta admit…now that I’ve had time to think about it (I’m not so freaked out), it really WAS kinda cool…..

But when I find that bitch who borrowed my brain, I’m gonna kick her butt. 🙂

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