It’s been a busy last couple days. Trying to get ahead on some stuff so there will be time to get a piece done for an upcoming party…er…Competition. So, needless to say, there’ve been some late evenings in the studio. Not stupid-crazy-hallucination-late-evenings, though. Music helps keep me alert.

I’ve got digital radio hooked up in the studio. Hate commercials on FM, plus there aren’t any decent rock stations around here. There’s like 30 FM stations and 20 of ’em are Oldie Goldies…”Good Times Radio” (the slogan for one)…Yeah, well…good time THIS (middle finger raised). Anyway…better choice on digital, no commercials. I like rock, blues, some alternative, yeah, a little New Age stuff, and I have been known to plug in Bach’s Tocattas & Fugues into the CD player (it’s that “scary movie” organ music)…that’s the only time the cat begs to get out of the studio, by the way. But rock is my favorite…And Pop Music really pisses me off. Really, really pisses me off. I’d sooner take a beating than listen to two minutes of Britney Spears or Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber and their ilk.

mariache band lori corbett whispering eagle studio

Not what I actually got- but the headbanging part would be funny

After a few days, though, I need a change. So, I figure I’ll surf the stations and find something new. So…I find something called “Rock en Espanol”. Hmmmm……OK. Stereotypes start running through my head…like, how in the HELL can they make an accordion a bonafide rock instrument??? (I told you…stereotype). Visions of Mariachi musicians head-banging and riffing on those big ol’ guitars just got the better of me. So, I tuned in….thinking comic relief, if nothing else. Couldn’t have been more wrong…this stuff is GOOD! (Most of it). I don’t understand but about three words total, but I still like it. In fact, I’ve ended up BUYING some. And now it’s on my list of “favorite” channels. Just goes to show…be open to new things. Except Pop Music. Did I tell you it really piss…yeah, I guess I did.

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