Here’s something I’m curious about: The work is finished and I am happy with it…until it comes time to let go and send the piece off.


My work on the left, me on the right

Then I get a case of the doubts. My memory of the work doesn’t seem to jive with what was in front of me just hours ago. Come to think of it, this also happens on a smaller scale after the day’s session and I come in from the studio. I start picturing the work in my mind after I quit for the day…I usually end up heading back out to the studio after a while to give it another look. And it usually isn’t the monster I “remember”. But I still wage war with myself not to tweak it just a little bit. Does anyone else do this?

That being said, sometimes this does serve a useful purpose and something WILL look a little off. Walking away and coming back later will reveal things that my subconscious mind picked up. But, c’mon…not every single freaking time.

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